Four Against Darkness Pdf Free Download

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Four Against Darkness:: Rescue from the Rabid Ratmen By: baudolino33
Rabid Ratmen Rescue v1.0.pdf (319 KB)

A custom mission for rescuing a party member who may have fallen to the "hunted by ratmen" trait, or for any party looking for a prisoner rescue mission.

May 21, 2021

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Four Against Darkness:: List of 4AD Classes, Spells, and Expert Skills By: dafrca
Class_Spells_Expert Skill Index v1.7.pdf (111 KB)

This is a list of Classes, Spells, and Expert Skills found in the various 4AD books and what book they are found in. Please note I only list the items that are found in works that are being published right now.

If I missed any classes, spells, or skills, please let me know. I am hoping this will be useful to others in locating the class or spell or skill they are looking for.

Class_Spells_Expert Skill Index v1.7

May 11, 2021

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Four Against Darkness:: 4AD DM Screen Inserts By: energythief
Four Against Darkness DM Screen Inserts.pptx (2.37 MB)

After being frustrated with the layout of the rulebook and all the page-flipping required, I created these four sheets to slip into a DM screen I have. This helps the game take up considerably less table space. I've added notes and page references wherever I thought it was necessary, and have incorporated some of the official errata that Andrea has made on Facebook or other places here and there. If you have a three-panel screen you can always just ditch the final page.

Note: This is only for base 4AD. Once I purchase 4AA I'll probably need to update this.

Hope it helps!

Apr 13, 2021

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Four Against Darkness:: List of Acronyms of the various 4AD books. By: dafrca
4AD - Acronyms v3.2.pdf (125 KB)

This is a list of the Acronyms for the various titles in the 4 Against Darkness game line.

Updated File to v3.2 now to reflect both newly published books as well as Titles in Development I know about. The List now includes the poster and card deck based publications as well.

If I missed any titles or of any needed corrections, please let me know. I am hoping this will be useful to others

Apr 7, 2021

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Four Against Darkness:: Wilderness Exploring By: DougPeterson
Wilderness Exploring.pdf (1.80 MB)

Rules for randomly generating wilderness hex maps to explore.

Feb 23, 2021

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Four Against Darkness:: NPC Sheet By: DougPeterson
4AD NPC Sheet.pdf (30 KB)

Character sheet for NPCs. Circle and / or cross off armor and weapons as appropriate.

Feb 21, 2021

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Four Against Darkness:: 4AD Rules Reference By: DougPeterson
4AD Rules Reference v1.1.pdf (15 KB)

Digressions of the Devouring Dead - provided by dafrca
Fortress of the Warlord
Labyrinth of the Lurking Lepidopterae - provided by dafrca
Ordeal of the Magic Tower
The Courtship of Flower Demons

No Content to Reference:
Breachers of the Bone Belfry - dafrca
Tournament of the Undead Viscount - dafrca

To Be Done - Own:
Against the Netherworld

To Be Done - Don't Own:
Greedy Gifts of the Guildmasters
Kingly Knights & Knifing Knaves
Lost Temples of Qaarra
More Mountains of Mayhem
The Dreadful Dozen
Twisted Dungeons

Feb 20, 2021
4AD Rules Reference.pdf (13 KB)

This is an index or reference to rules contained in expansions or supplements. Not all contain rules to reference nor do I own all supplements.

Buried Secrets
Concise Collection of Classes
Crucible of Classic Critters
Fiendish Foes
Four Against the Abyss
Lairs, Dens & Burrows
Twisted Minions
Warlike Woes
Wayfarers and Adventurers

No Content to Reference:
Caverns of Chaos
Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters
Dark Waters
Heart of the Lizard

To Be Done:
Against the Netherworld
Fortress of the Warlord
The Courtship of Flower Demons

Feb 13, 2021

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Four Against Darkness:: Clerics of the Gods By: dafrca
Clerics of the Gods v1.1.pdf (97 KB)

This is a list of the gods found in the Four Against Darkness books and what book you can find the special cleric rules in for those published to date.

The file is just a list and does not offer any of the copywritten rules. It is just an aid to help locate the right book.

Jan 21, 2021

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Four Against Darkness:: Alone Against Fear Play Aids from Ganesha Games By: dafrca
Alone Against Fear PLAY AIDS.pdf (11.79 MB)

These are the free play aids Ganesha Games has put out for use with their Alone against Fear game.

Dec 7, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: Querimonious Quests of Queenly Querulence for Four Against Darkness By: silenceindigo
4AD-adventure_QQQQ.pdf (4.02 MB)

Querimonious Quests of Queenly Querulence.

Free and compact (6 pages) adventure by Erick N. Bouchard, official author although this supplement is unofficial, and Alexey Aparin, official illustrator for 4AD books and supplements, for the Four Against Darkness game. The adventure features:
- Instructions to mix your books for open world exploration
- Instructions of using Pocket Lands cards with Four Against Darkness game
- 9 sample geomorph cards prepared for b&w printing

Shared here with the author's and illustrator's permission and allowed by Andrea Sfiligoi of Ganesha Games.

Official Source:

Oct 30, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: FOUR AGAINST DARKNESS - ALL CLASSES By: yvesvanherp

Here you will find all available classes as of 7/20/2020.

There are 61 in total now (including those of the new pdf/book "More Mountainous Mayhem").

For my own group of players I included some extra information about starting Life and starting wealth because that seems to be quite trivial to some of them.

If there is something missing feel free to let me know!


Jul 20, 2020
FOUR AGAINST DARKNESS - available classes 2.2.pdf (255 KB)

In this renewed file you'll find more information.

The file is alphabetically ordered as per the NAMES of the character CLASSES.

It also mentions the TITLES of the BOOKS you can find those classes in! It will maybe help you to decide which books you xant to buy next.

Please do tell me if you find any mistakes.


May 5, 2020
FOUR AGAINST DARKNESS - available classes 2.1.pdf (254 KB)

In this renewed file you'll find more information.

The file is alphabetically ordered as per the TITLES of the books.

Please do tell me when you find any mistakes.


May 5, 2020
FOUR AGAINST DARKNESS - available classes.pdf (161 KB)

An overview of the classes that are available in the world of "Four Against Darkness".

If something is missing/wrong feel free to send me a note and I'll make corrections.


Apr 13, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: MAGICAL ITEMS By: yvesvanherp
4AD - MAGICAL ITEMS.pdf (256 KB)

Here you can find magic weapons and other magical items.

I wanted to avoid however to give weapons "+1" on attacks, damage, etc... unless there was also something to balance this power.

Magic items can also be "strong" in other (more tiny) ways, like you'll see. And they don't always have to be weapons!

I hope you can use this table in your plays and I will possibly make other ones (I have a lot of them in free RPG expansions I've written before).

How to use the table:

Whenever you have to roll on a Magic Treasure Table in the book/supplement that you are using, you can opt to roll 1d6 instead.
On a "1-3" you use the table you are referred to, on a "4-6" you will have to use the Magical Items Table by rolling the required 2d6.
You must never choose an item on this table, you will always have to roll!

֍ When the word "campaign" is used in the table feel free to replace this by dungeon, adventure, session or whatever you like.
֍ You will never be able to buy one of these items, you can only sell them if you want to.

Jun 19, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: 4AD - Index of Key Concepts By: yvesvanherp

Because there's no index in the core rulebook I've tried to make one.

I hope it's a little help to the community and that it will lower the time when you want to find something.

Give me a sign when you find mistakes or if there's something missing.

Thanks in advance,


Jun 10, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: CLASS DOCUMENT By: yvesvanherp
4AD - CLASS DOCUMENT version 2.1.pdf (212 KB)

For those interested I added:

1. a slot for your armor

2. a slot for "slain minions" so you don't loose them when you end your dungeon/adventure (I always keep my minion total when I did not reach the requirement of "10" to make an XP roll)

3. factions

4. a slot for your "beginning" life points (according to your level)

Jun 8, 2020

This is the second version of the pdf, I changed the "border" which was in fact not very good (to say the least). Thanks for telling me, my wife found it outrageous in a fun way.

I also added some things that are needed when playing with characters of level 5+ or with the expert skills and/or hired retainers/professionals. The material for this is mostly found in "Four Against the Abyss".

These new "mechanisms" are added in a light blue color: patrons, keywords, healed by surgeon.

As you probably know you will also need 4 clue tokens when playing with higher level characters, so that is the reason I put one clue token between brackets (and in the same light blue color).

If there are other things I forgot, feel free to mention them here.

Thanks in advance,


May 1, 2020

I created this document with the intention to play "Four Against Darkness" as an easy accessible RPG with one of my groups.

So because Das Schwarze Auge (the RPG I already play for 35 years with my other group) is less to their liking (too many rules) I thought 4AD would be welcome due to its very high adaptablity.

And I liked a "character sheet" that would (hopefully) cover most things on a single sheet (be it two sided).

Apr 26, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: One Hundred Levels of Hell By: SomeMadPoet
100NetherLevelsAndLog.pdf (1.19 MB)

This is a set of a hundred different hex maps for use with the official Four Against the Nether expansion.

They have not been playtested and I have no idea how well they work. If anyone plays with any of these maps, I'd like hear what they have to say about them.

I had meant to upload this two years ago... but forgot about it. It is a bit unfinished. I had wanted to generate place names and special event tables for each map, but I never got around to doing that.

If there is enough interest expressed I may go back and finish this project as I originally intended. And hell, I may even release a thousand levels of hell if someone really wants to go that deep.

Jun 6, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: Play 4AD in PowerPoint By: snori_strurlusson

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Four Against Darkness:: Four Against Darkness - The City By: JusticeProctor
4AD The City 1_1.pdf (5.01 MB)

Small update with the following changes:

Corrected a few word/formatting errors.

Lowered enchantment cost from 1000gp to 500gp. After 4 adventures my adventurers didn't have even close to 1000gp to scrape together; 500gp should be more attainable.

Changed the name of Ring of Protection to Guardian Band to avoid confusion with magic item of same name in 4AA.

Opened Wand of Magic Missiles to all spellcasters except Conservationists, increased to 4 charges and adjusted cost accordingly.

Added a maximum level (9) to minions affected by a Terror Skull.

Specified that purchased gems can't be affected by the dwarf's resale ability.

Added a cost to rogue's venom.

May 25, 2020
4AD The City.pdf (4.90 MB)

I have been wanting to put together an expanded list of activities to do after an adventure has concluded, especially once you have explored a few dungeons with the same party and have a lot of gold, gems, and jewelry on hand!

I have also added in items from the supplements and adventures I currently have, although you'll have to own those volumes to have the rules for using them. I tried to be judicious and left off supplement specific items (like Seals of Purity or Clockwork Chainsaws).

Please, please, please, leave feedback, ideas, and corrections!

May 23, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: A 4AD map in the shape of 4AD By: Madmarshman
4ad-logo-map.pdf (6.11 MB)

A 4AD map in the shape of the letters "4AD"

May 21, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: Mapping Icons By: Madmarshman
shortcuts.pdf (872 KB)

All the mapping icons on one page .... Listed in the core rules as .... "Shorthand Symbols for Room Content"

May 20, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: Expanded Treasure List Version 1.0 By: JusticeProctor
4AD_Expanded_Treasure_List_Version1_1.pdf (88 KB)

Decided it was much wiser to go with a PDF file instead, took care of formatting issues.

Apr 24, 2020
4AD Expanded Treasure List Version1_0.xlsx (12 KB)

Instead of a single treasure list for both minor and major monsters, I spread out the list to three different lists! I fit them on one page, with items on the second page for ease of use.

For Minor and Medium treasure, it's a lot of coins or cheap gems/jewelry. Major treasure has a 4/6 chance of including a magic item, either minor or standard.

I included most of the treasure from the core book, with the exception of the Wand of Sleep, which is a bit too powerful given the core rules. I replaced it in the Minor Magic items table with a Wand of Magic Missiles, which allows a Wizard or Elf to attack with their level as a bonus for a charge.

Please try it out and let me know what you think!

Edit: Please excuse the second tab with Tomb Monsters! It's a work in progress for an alternate monster encounter list for a Tomb-themed experience.

Apr 23, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: 4AD Character Record Sheet (Old School) By: rjstandifer
4ad_individual_character_record_sheet_v2.pdf (3.06 MB)

A one-page record sheet for an individual 4AD character. There is room to record all of the important information related to one character. The original 4AD Play Sheet is great for use during a dungeon adventure, but after the adventure is over you might want a place to record all of the details about each character. Use this record sheet to maintain your stable of characters between adventures. Print this pdf out on mint-green paper for that true "Old School" flavor.

v2 - spelling correction
v1 - rough draft

Apr 18, 2020

Thumbs Up 37

Four Against Darkness:: Four Against Darkness Catalogue By: alexanderastartes
4AD Catalogue March 2020.pdf (253 KB)

Updated with March 2020

Apr 11, 2020
4AD Catalogue Jan2020.pdf (233 KB)

A catalogue of all available English products in the 4AD range.

Jan 7, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: 4AD Play Sheet Set (8.5" x 11") By: rjstandifer
4AD_Play_Sheet_Set_v2.pdf (6.00 MB)

I re-imaged the original Four Against Darkness Play Sheet and Monsters Killed sheet, while adding a 20 x 28 square grid Map Sheet so each fit on 8.5" x 11" paper. These pages are larger and provide more room for recording your 4AD dungeon adventures.

v2 - higher resolution images
v1 - rough draft

Mar 25, 2020

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Four Against Darkness:: Four Against Darkness Books w/ level information By: truzen
Four Against Darkness Books (12-20-2019).xlsx (20 KB)

Expanding on the work by dafrca, I included the recommended levels for your party, if the book is a solo adventure, and if the book is either an expansion or supplement. This was made in order offer guidance on purchase/play order, as I personally couldn't figure out what came next.

Dec 20, 2019

Thumbs Up 19

Four Against Darkness:: Encounters Table By: xavilongo
Encounters_v.1.4.pdf (660 KB)

Play aid to use during combats after each encounter. I hope you find it useful.

Dec 16, 2019


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